The proven best choice for:
why work with us
We do not make empty marketing claims. The following elements make us unique:
Most of our clients come from other systems. They mentioned the following issues that made them switch to PCMA
Switching to a system that is based on actual science delivers stunning results!
Note: Crisis cost in dollars 60% reduced
(behavior issue related expenses such as cost of training and certification, injuries, workman's comp, litigation, out of district placement, equipment damage, employee time loss and so on)
Good things that increased because of PCM:
Just like our systematic, science based trainings, we also approach the implementation of our curriculum with a time tested and ever improving system.
Let's face it, you want minimal disruption to your operations while you transition to a more positive culture that is safe and effective
Move from an organization that is disrupted by too many Crises, i.e. 'point A', to 'point B' where you become a Safe and Effective Organization that can focus on its core mission
The Professional Crisis Management Association, was created by Neal Fleisig and other behavior scientists in 1984 in response to the practice of forcing people into compliance during a crisis with inappropriate and often dangerous physical interactions. In essence, people were being treated as if they had committed a crime.
Many of these practices are still in use today, and can be seen in various market leading non-behavioral programs of crisis prevention and management. These programs surround their inappropriate and in some circumstances even dangerous physical interactions with non-evidence-based practices. Some even promote their programs with unsubstantiated claims of over 90% reduction in behavioral episodes. If this were true, then there would be no need for clinical treatment after a few days of training in this program.
PCMA prides itself on having the only curricula fully based on Applied Behavior Analysis. It is designed to fit into existing treatment and educational programs and is focused on prevention and creating a safe and positive learning environment for all.
A sample of the Applied Behavior Analysis Associations we participate with: