REDUCE your workman's Comp claims

Failing crisis interventions will lead to large expenses. Administrators and managers regularly come to us with statements like:

“Serious injuries to my staff have increased my WC rate”

“I’m worried that our 'Loss History' will become unmanageable in a few years”

Human service agencies that serve individuals who engage in aggression face a unique challenge. Staff injuries from aggression create a multitude of problems, from high turnover, recruiting costs, and unexpected overtime, but one of the most serious financial consequences of staff injury can be its affect on an agencies’ Workmans Compensation rate.

The cost for Workmans Comp can easily jump thousands of dollars per year, putting a strain on what is probably an already tight budget. Agencies that have a crisis management system that is ineffective in maintaining the safety of not only the people they serve, but also the staff who serve them, leave themselves vulnerable to a large unplanned expense.

It is however possible to lower your workmans comp rate at the cost of failing to deliver on your core mission, but one can argue that in that case your core mission has become low workmans comp rates! Some Crisis Management methods that we have run into essentially worked that way: "Just look the other way and don't provoke them." In that case one can wonder if the cure is worse than the disease.

Did you know that the average increase in workman's comp premium in a school district, after just one extra injury, is more than the cost of the average PCM training?

Workers comp

The Solution: A crisis management system that was specifically designed to reduce staff and client injury AND let you focus on your core mission.

There are two main reasons why people switch to PCM from other crisis management systems.

  1. The first is that they have a high rate of injuries because they can’t contain all of the crises that occur.
  2. The second is that although a facility may have a low rate of crisis, it has come at the cost of interfering with their core mission. That is, most crises may be successfully avoided, but only by ensuring that individuals always get what they want and are never asked to do anything they don’t want to do. So an agency may in fact reduce their workman’s comp claims but at the cost of therapeutic/educational progress.

With PCM nothing is sacrificed because your staff will be safer when intervening in a crisis AND they will do a better job at managing them. With the PCM system staff learn to reduce crises in meaningful ways without violating their core mission.


Cory Royer

"As the CEO of a large organization that provides intensive behavioral services, safety and cost effectiveness are of great importance to me. After switching to Professional Crisis Management from our former crisis management system, we have experienced a tremendous decline in staff and consumer injuries. Professional Crisis Management has already saved my company $20,000 in workers compensation costs this year and allows us to provide the safest and least restrictive environment for our consumers. "

Cory Royer CEO